Setting up the Git Repo

We're sure you can handle creating a new empty Git repository. But once you have your initial commit with a, .gitignore, etc., you'll want to pull in the common KillrVideo dependencies that live in other Git repositories. The repositories you'll want to pull in are:

  • killrvideo-service-protos: This is where the gRPC service definitions that you'll be implementing are kept, defined in .proto files. You'll be using the Protobufs from here to generate code.

Using Git Subtrees for Dependencies

In other microservice implementations, we've decided to use git subtree to pull in these dependencies rather than submodules. Here's a pretty good overview of subtrees if you're not familiar. Here's an example of the commands to add those subtrees to your repository under the /lib folder:

# Add killrvideo-service-protos under lib/killrvideo-service-protos
git subtree add --prefix lib/killrvideo-service-protos master --squash

Later if you need to update those dependencies you can just use the same commands as above, only doing a git subtree pull instead of git subtree add.

Subtree Tip
Add a shell script to your repo for doing a git subtree pull on those dependencies to make it easy to pull down the latest changes.