Using the Web Tier

When you Setup the Docker Environment earlier, you probably remember that you added a service called web to the docker-compose.yaml file that you created. Here's the relevant part of the file you created:

  # ... snipped other parts of file ...

  # Web interface
    image: killrvideo/killrvideo-web
    - "3000:3000"
      - backend

That container contains the web server and front-end web UI that runs in a browser for KillrVideo. If you're curious and want to take a look at that application's code, you can find it in the killrvideo-web project on GitHub.

Accessing the Web UI

When you started up the Docker dependencies with Compose, you ran a command like this:

> docker-compose up -d

By default, this started a web server listening on port 3000. You can access the web UI at: http://localhost:3000.

Viewing the Web Tier Logs

While you're doing development it can be helpful to see what's happening in the web tier as it makes calls to your backend services. You can use the command:

> docker-compose logs web

To see the log output from the web tier. If you want more details, the web application supports setting the default log output level by setting the KILLRVIDEO_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable. So for example, you could edit the docker-compose.yaml file you created, changing the environment section to add that variable with a setting of debug.

The web frontend that runs in the browser also outputs log messages by default. You can see those by using the web UI with the Chrome debugger open and running.