Using DataStax Studio

About DataStax Studio

DataStax Studio is an interactive tool for querying, exploring, analyzing, and visualizing data in CQL and Graph (Gremlin) formats.

  • For CQL, it provides the ability to visually create and navigate database objects, create complex queries, and tune CQL queries. Studio includes an intelligent CQL editor that provides syntax highlighting, validation, intelligent code completion, configuration options, and query profiling.
  • For DSE Graph, it allows you to explore and view large datasets. It provides an intuitive interface for developers and analysts to collaborate and test theories by mixing code, documentation, and visualizations for query results and profiles into self-documenting notebooks. The code is written in the Gremlin graph traversal language.
  • Notebooks combine runnable Gremlin and CQL code and markdown text in a rich interactive environment. Markdown is a simple language for creating human-readable plain text documents that can be displayed.

Accessing the KillrVideo Examples

The docker-compose scripts that come with the language installations of KillrVideo are configured to start the DataStax Studio web application locally. You can access this instance of Studio by pointing your browser at http://localhost:9091.

Once you open Studio, you will see several built-in notebooks, including some with "KillrVideo" in the title which are specific to this application. For example, you should find a Notebook entitled "KillrVideo QuickStart". When you open it, it should look something like the following:

KillrVideo Notebook Example

After you explore the provided KillrVideo notebook(s), you can experiment with creating your own notebooks with additional queries and visualizations, such as graph networks, pie charts, bar charts, scatter plots, etc.

Next: Repositories Overview