Getting Started with KillrVideo

So you're ready to dig into some reference application code? Great! Here's how to get started exploring KillrVideo.

Install Docker

KillrVideo uses Docker to run all the infrastructure you'll need in your local development environment. (If you want to learn more about how KillrVideo uses Docker, check out the Docker Guide in our documentation.) If you don't already have Docker installed, you'll need to do so. You can download and install the appropriate tools here:

Once you've got Docker for Windows or Mac installed, it's also really helpful to increase the amount of RAM allocated to the Docker VM that's running. We recommend allocating at least 3 GB of RAM since DataStax Enterprise and Cassandra are memory-intensive apps:

Run the Application

The simplest way to run the KillrVideo Application is to run the KillrVideo All-in-one Docker configuration:

git clone killrvideo-all-in-one
cd killrvideo-all-in-one
docker-compose up -d

This configuration uses docker-compose to start KillrVideo, including the web application, Java microservice implementations, DataStax Enterprise, and other supporting infrastructure. As the application initializes, you'll be able to view the web interface at http://localhost:3000/.

Why not take the Tour? This will give you a quick overview of the functionality of the application as well as some of the details of how it uses Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise.

You can also view a live version of the application at

Choose a Programming Language to Dive Deeper

Of course you want to look at some source code to see how this is all put together, and especially the details of how we implement the database interactions!

The KillrVideo reference application provides service implementations in multiple programming languages. Use the links below to get started with the language you're most comfortable with.

Next Steps

DataStax Enterprise and Cassandra are easy to get started with, but it would be impossible to show you everything you need to know inside a single reference application like KillrVideo. We recommend continuing your education at DataStax Academy. There you'll find free self-paced online courses on Cassandra's architecture, data modeling, and more.