Getting Started with Node.js

The Node.js version of KillrVideo is a reference application for Node developers looking to learn more about using Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise in their applications and services. It contains sample code that uses:

These instructions assume you already have Node.js and npm installed, as well as an IDE that supports debugging with source maps like WebStorm or Visual Studio Code on your local machine.

Node.js v6.12.3 is confirmed to work with this version of KillrVideo. You can find the download link here.

Cloning and Setup

Like all KillrVideo implementations, the Node.js version uses Docker to run all its dependencies in your local development environment. If you haven't already, please read and follow the instructions in Getting Started to install Docker. Once you have Docker up and running, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Node.js project's GitHub repository:
     > git clone
  2. From the root of the repository, use npm to install all dependencies:
     > npm install
  3. We use npm scripts defined in the project's package.json to do our build (i.e. transpile JavaScript, copy .proto files to the correct location, etc). Run a build now by doing:

     > npm run build

    You should end up with the build output in the dist folder.

  4. Setup the Docker environment for the first time by running:

     > ./

    Or on Windows:

     > .\setup-docker.bat

    This should create a .env file with some environment variables, as well as pull all the Docker images that the application needs to run.

  5. Start the docker dependencies that you just pulled down via docker-compose:

     > docker-compose up -d

    This starts up things like a DataStax Enterprise node, the Web UI, etc. You can learn more about how we use Docker in our Docker Guide documentation.

Running the Code

Now that you've got the environment setup and the project built, you can run the project and explore the code in your IDE of choice with a debugger attached. The transpiled JavaScript code (i.e. build output) is in the dist folder and the main entry point of the application is dist/index.js. Because the code in src is written using newer features of JavaScript and then transpiled, you'll want to use an IDE that supports source maps when debugging. We have instructions for running KillrVideo in a couple popular IDEs:

Running in WebStorm

To debug in WebStorm, you'll first need to create a Run/Debug configuration.

  1. Open the root project folder with WebStorm.
  2. Follow the instructions from JetBrains to create a new Node.js debug configuration. For the JavaScript File property, use the transpiled main entry point for the application which is /dist/index.js.
  3. Launch the debugging configuration you just created.

Running in Visual Studio Code

The repository you cloned has a .vscode folder checked-in. The launch.json file contains a task named Launch that can be used by Visual Studio Code to launch the transpiled code in the dist folder with a debugger attached.

  1. Open the root project folder with Visual Studio Code.
  2. Press F5 to start the Launch task which will start the application and debugger.

Opening the Web UI

When KillrVideo starts, you'll see a bunch of log output to the console telling you about the various things it's doing. You should see output that looks something like this:

Console Startup Output

One of the last lines in the log output will tell you where to open a web browser in order to see the web application. The web UI makes calls to the Node.js microservices running on your local machine. Look in the /src/services folder to explore the service code and add breakpoints.

Note: Breakpoints, Source Maps, and Transpiled Code

Remember, because we're using new language features from the latest version of JavaScript (i.e. ES 2016), the code in the src folder was transpiled and output to the dist folder when you did the npm run build step above. That build step also outputs source maps into the dist folder. So long as the IDE or debugger that you're using supports source maps, you should place your breakpoints in the original source files under src.

As you interact with the web UI, you'll trigger those breakpoints in the service code.

Using DataStax Studio

The docker-compose file that you ran above started an instance of DataStax Studio, an interactive tool for querying, exploring, analyzing, and visualizing both graph and tabular data. Check out the Using DataStax Studio page for more information.

Learn More

Check out the Documentation section for a lot more information on the architecture of KillrVideo and how the Web Tier interacts with the microservices running on your machine.